Chucky Tattoo (only the shading done by us )

Sacred Heart Tattoo

Phoenix Tattoo

Black & Grey Khanda Tattoo

Snow White Tattoo on Ankle

New School Grime Reaper Tattoo ( cover up in progress..)

Pangoda and Geisha Tattoo

Colorful Butterfly Tattoo

Custom Vines Filigree Tattoo on Lower Back

Custom Fonts Tattoo add on Nautical Star Tattoo

Script with Swift Tattoo

Flock of Birds Tattoo

Custom Borneo Rose Tattoo

Nice Celtic with Compass Tattoo

Angel Uprising Tattoo

Script Tattoo - Nice!!!!

God Is Love Tattoo

Geisha Tattoo on Shoulder Blade

Upper Back Tribal Tattoo
Hello Folks, sorry for the slow update, I really am doing my best to post it every monthly, its just that work is really taken a toll on us. well, just to update you guys out there, we already started taking appointments for November/December. Do also bear in mind , that the waiting list for custom tattoo is usually is 3-7 weeks wait, so don't wait till the last minute, before u decided to book an appointment with us.
Walk-ins is still possible on a daily basis. (but sometimes the waiting time might be a lil longer then usual) and also we reserve the right to refuse the job on the day itself, if we feel that we do better via appointments ( do note: that sometimes we need to redraw, or even sketch from scratch, so as to especially accustomed to our clients needs and also to make sure its top quality handiwork on your skin). But Hey!, u never know unless u try right..so just feel free to make an appointment before u swing by. who knows, u might just be lucky enough to be squeeze in our schedule. we're just a bunch of cool dudes just wanting to make sure our clients (You, yes.. You) gets the best!