[imagine that.. fheeeeeeeew! ]

[ Benevolence - characterizes the true goodness of the
mind and spirit,the unbiased kindness to do good.
It confers thought and regard for the welfare of
other people, and finds expression in sympathy
and kindly gentleness and compassion, with
charitableness and kindness. It is the expression
of agape love (Greek word for unconditional love) ]

[ sneak preview of Mr. Finch.. ]
Well, to be totally honest, i never like to be in photos , that's why i never post up any pics of myself , mostly my work or my crew.Then one day, i happen to came across 1 of my regular client blogs. and i see my pic in her blog, well i guess its not so bad after all to have a few pics of me in my own blog, so i stole it away from them. hahaha.. well, guess i ain't doing nothing wrong here. after all, its my pic. lol